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How to Remove Egg Stains From Clothes

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Eggs are a healthy source of proteins and go into many delicious dishes. But, if you like eggs or spend more time in the kitchen tiptoeing around their fragile shells, then you know how easy eggs break and how fast their yolk makes a stain on any surface they land on. Although eggs stain clothes quickly, those stains become harder to remove the more time they stay on the fabric.

To remove egg stains from clothes, you need to remove the excess egg yolk with a spoon before it dries on the clothes. Next, scrub the stain off with a sponge in cold water. Use a laundry detergent on dried egg stains to loosen them and rinse thoroughly. Soak the clothes in cold water with occasional rubbing every 30 minutes. Repeat until the egg stains are removed.

Washable clothes are easier to remove egg stains from than dry clean only clothes. Read more to find out how to remove egg stains from clothes, carpets, and upholstery. 

How to Remove Egg Stains From Washable Clothes

Like many protein stains, you can totally remove the yellow stains egg yolks leave behind by soaking the stains immediately in cold water. But that only works with fresh stains that haven’t dried. Once the stains set, soaking and rubbing alone will not do much. You will need a stain remover with a powerful enzyme formula such as ZoutTide, or Oxiclean (Amazon paid links).

Remember that the sooner you treat egg stains, the faster you can remove them. You will need a spoon or knife, laundry detergent, stain remover, and cold water. Follow these simple steps to remove egg stains from washable clothes, both fresh and dried.

  1. Scoop the excess egg off the fabric with a spoon. If the egg yolk has set, use the back of the knife to scrub it off. Work from the outside of the stain to avoid spreading the egg yolk.
  2. Egg is viscose and tends to stick to the fabric. Loosen it with cold water and use a sponge to push the water into the fabric. Give it five minutes before trying to scrub off the eggs.
  3. For dried stains, apply a detergent and stain remover on the stain and rub it in circular moves to break the crusty eggs.
  4. Remove the last traces of the egg stain with the spoon, then soak the fabric in cold water. Make sure the stain is totally under water and rub it with your hands every 30 minutes.
  5. Load the clothes in the washer and set it to a regular cycle in cold water. 
  6. Check if the stain is totally gone. If it’s still there, repeat the soaking and washing steps.

How to Remove Egg Stains From Dry Clean Only Clothes

But when the egg stains fall on clothes that you can’t possibly wash with water or put in the washer, you have to get a little creative. Silk garments are a good example of dry clean only clothes. An egg stain could ruin the expensive garment. And while you can’t wash or soak it, you can still get rid of the stain with the help of a dry clean kit such as Woolite Kit or take it to a professional cleaner.

But before you apply the dry clean kit, make sure to remove the excess egg with a spoon or scrub off the dried eggs with the back of a knife. Then use the stain remover in the kit to get rid of all traces of the egg. Finally, use the dry clean kit as instructed. As with other items of clothing, the stain might not disappear after one treatment. 

How to Remove Egg Stains From Carpet

Carpets have a thick pile that absorbs the egg, and when it hardens, it’s tough to remove the stains. Treating the carpet stain with hot water will only make matters worse. The egg will simply cook, and then it’s even more difficult to detach it from the carpet pile. Time is of the essence, and you should treat the egg stain as soon as possible to increase the chances of removing all traces of it.

Use a spatula or the back of a knife to scrape the egg excess from the carpet pile. Be careful not to spill the egg on the surrounding area. And don’t try to rub the egg stain off. That will only push it into the carpet. Then mix two teaspoons of dish soap in two cups of cold water and use a sponge to remove the stain. Work on the edges of the egg stain as you move the sponge toward the center. Work against the pile.

Apply a clean kitchen towel to the wet stain to absorb the moisture along with what’s left of the stain. Rinse the spot with a clean cloth dipped in cold water and air the carpet to dry. 

How to Remove Egg Stains From Upholstery

Upholstery is notoriously hard to clean. The material is thick and heavy, and an egg stain could ruin it for good. And like a carpet, you need to treat the egg stain with speed and caution. The same solution you mixed for the carpet will also work on your cushions. Use the same technique of cleaning the stain from the edges and moving toward the center. 

Use a wet cloth to rinse off the excess cleaning liquid. Avoid drenching the fabric more than you have to since it will be hard to dry it off.


Egg stains not only last forever; they also biodegrade and become a Petri dish. Remove the egg stains as soon as they hit the clothes. Soak the stain in cold water and rub the garment every half an hour, then wash it in a regular cycle with cold water

For dried stains, you will need a laundry detergent and stain remover with a powerful enzyme formula to remove the protein stain. Avoid hot water when treating or washing the stain since it will only make the egg stain harder to remove.

Next, you can check out my article on how to remove deodorant stains from your shirts.


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