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How to Get Toner and Printer Ink Out of Clothes (Step-by-step)

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Have you ever tried to replace or change a printer cartridge? If so, you must have realized that the chances of spilling toner or ink on yourself or your clothing are very high. 

When such happens, a sense of panic sweeps over you, wondering what you will do now. Have you ruined any clothing? Will you be able to remove this stuff? Here are some methods to remove toner or printer ink stains from your clothing.

Before attempting to remove any stains, you should first study the clothing label to ascertain the fiber content of the item. This is typically stated on the tag attached to the clothing. To ensure the material can withstand any chemicals, test a small, discrete amount on the hem or inside the seam allowance.

For example, acetate and rayon are susceptible to nail paint remover and rubbing alcohol.

Method 1: Dab with rubbing alcohol

  1. Dip a clean white cloth or sponge in rubbing alcohol and gently dab at the stained area. If you successfully remove the stain, wash the clothing as usual. Rubbing alcohol should not be used on acetate, silk, wool, or rayon.

    If hairspray proved insufficient to remove the stain, rubbing alcohol is an excellent cleaner to employ. It works well at removing any ink stain, whether it comes from a ballpoint pen or a marker.
  2. Use dishwashing liquid and glycerin. In a bowl, mix 1 teaspoon (4.92 ml) of liquid dish detergent with 1 tablespoon (14.78 ml) of glycerin. Dab the stain on one side using a white cloth dipped in the glycerin mixture. Turn the garment over and dab the other side of the stain when you no longer see any stain lifted.

    Allow the clothing to air dry for about five minutes after dabbing. More glycerin should then be applied to the stain using your finger. After that, rinse the clothing with water to get rid of the soap and glycerin.

    Old stains respond well to glycerin because it soaks up the stain and helps to lift it, allowing the detergent to remove it. All fabrics ought to be compatible.
  3. Use water and baking soda. Baking soda can be used to remove stains by making a loose paste in a small basin by mixing it 2:1 with water. Apply the paste to the ink stain with a cotton ball, and then dab with the cotton ball. Wipe off the paste with a clean cloth or paper towel once the stain has been eliminated or has ceased to lift.

    All materials can be safely cleaned with baking soda.
  4. Use white vinegar to remove the discoloration. If you are still unable to remove the stain, immerse the entire item in a 1-to-1 mixture of water and white vinegar for about 30 minutes. After every 10 to 15 minutes or so, gently wipe the stain with a sponge or cloth while the item is soaking. After that, wash your clothing as usual.

    Avoid using hot water since it can set the stain.

    All materials can be safely cleaned with white vinegar.
  5. Use dry cleaning fluid to blot. Commercial stain removers and dry cleaning solutions come in a variety of varieties that are made specifically to get rid of stains. Apply as directed on the bottle, then use a clean cloth to wipe the stain.

    Be cautious about reading the label and avoiding using any cleaners that can harm the fabric of your clothing.

Method 2: Blotting Up Fresh Ink Stains

  1. Put a cloth on top of the stain. Try to absorb as much ink as you can if you are working on a recent stain. Place a white cloth or rag underneath the discolored area of the clothing before blotting the stain. This will stop the stain from transferring to the garment’s back while you work to remove it.

    To prevent the color of the cloth from lifting and spreading the stain on the item you are working on, use a white cloth.
  2. Utilize a white cloth to remove the stain. Blot the spot with a different white cloth. Instead of rubbing the stain, use gently dabbing strokes. Rubbing might cause the stain to get more deeply embedded in the fabric’s fibers. Continue dabbing the stain until no more ink is being removed.
  3. Blot the clothing’s reverse side. Place the clean cloth on the soiled area and turn the garment over. When you notice no further ink being lifted, cease dabbing the stain on the opposite side of the clothing.

Method 3: Using Alcohol-Based Hairspray

  1. Find a hairspray with alcohol in it. You can get rid of your ink stain using hairspray, an unexpected but efficient stain remover. Find an alcohol-based hairspray because alcohol is the main component of hairspray that may effectively remove stains.

    If you haven’t previously, spread out the soiled area of the clothing on a clean cloth to get it ready for cleaning.
  2. Spot-check a hidden location. A spot test is a good idea to ensure that the cleaner won’t worsen the stain before using hairspray or any other cleaning procedure. Region testing involves applying a little amount of hairspray to a discrete spot on the clothing, waiting about 30 seconds, and then wiping it away. Use hairspray on the stain if the area appears slightly moist but otherwise unaltered.

    Avoid using hairspray on the stain if it spreads or changes the color of the garment.

    On materials made of polyester, hairspray performs best. Hairspray shouldn’t be used to get rid of a stain on the leather since it contains alcohol, which might harm the material.
  3. Apply hairspray on the stain. Once your garment is laid out, hold the hairspray approximately a foot away from the garment and liberally and evenly spray the stained area.
  4. Allow the hairspray to dry. Spray hairspray on the stain, and then wait a minute for it to dry. This enables the hairspray’s alcohol to dissolve the ink stain. Hairspray shouldn’t be left on for too long, or it will dry into the fabric.
  5. Employ a fresh cloth to blot the discoloration. Start blotting the stain with a clean white cloth or a cotton ball after allowing the hairspray to dry for about a minute. You should be able to see the ink stain fading. When the stain is gone, or no more ink is being lifted, keep rubbing at it.

    If the stain has fully disappeared, wash the item as normal.

How To Get Printer Ink and Toner Out of Carpet

Cleaning the house is difficult, especially if your carpets have been stained by printer ink. The ink cartridge could be damaged, allowing ink to leak down to the carpet if it is dropped accidentally or if some ink leaks out while replenishing the cartridges.

Do not worry; we will show you how to remove the ink stains from your carpet.

To remove ink stains from the carpet, follow these instructions.

  1. The first step is to blot the stain with a fresh, dry cloth. Rubbing will just spread the stain, so avoid doing it.
  2. You might try using a mild soap if blotting doesn’t succeed in getting the stain out. With your fingers, work the soap into the stain; then, dab the area once more with a clean cloth.
  3. You might need to use a stronger cleaning agent if the soap doesn’t work. You can produce your own by combining one part vinegar with two parts water. Re-blot the stain after applying the solution.
  4. You can try using a carpet cleaner if everything else fails. To ensure the cleaner won’t harm the carpet’s fibers, please test it on a discrete area of the carpet first.
  5. Rinse the area with clean water after the stain has been taken out, and then blot it dry.

The following can be used to aid in getting rid of ink stains.

Method 1: Using Rubbing Alcohol

Pour a little amount onto the stain or a cloth, and then begin dabbing the stain with the cloth from the corner inward. Soak the cloth a little bit more in order to absorb the ink’s pigment in the stain’s center.

When the cloth is saturated with ink, replace it to stop the ink from reversing. Because hairspray also contains alcohol, you can use it as a substitute if you don’t have any alcohol at home.

Method 2: Using OxyClean

Replace the cloth every time it becomes saturated with ink and dab the stain with a clean cloth dipped in a solution of one part OxyClean to three parts alcohol (Amazon paid link.)

Repeat this process until the stain begins to disappear. When the stain is nearly gone, blot it with a clean cloth and some clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution to prevent the stain from gathering more dirt.

Use a dry towel to absorb any remaining liquids, and then leave the area to dry at room temperature. If you want to hasten to dry, place a dry cloth over the wet area and use a fan.

Finally, vacuum the area to get rid of any remaining microscopic particles and shape the carpet strands.

Method 3: Using Ammonia

Ammonia is the greatest cleaning agent for pen stains. You can also attempt this method, but before doing so, make sure it is appropriate for the type and model of printer you have.

For example, some inks won’t work with other techniques like using detergent or soaking a club overnight.

  1. Use a spray bottle and half-fill it.
  2. Put 1 tablespoon of ammonia in it.
  3. Spray the mixture a little far from the carpet to prevent damaging it. After that, dab the stained area with a moist cloth.
  4. Scrub the surface with a dry towel.

Think about asking a reputable carpet cleaner for assistance if you’re having difficulties getting the stain out on your own. They will have access to potent cleaning agents that are suitable for the fibers of your carpet and safe to use. Your carpet can be restored with the appropriate equipment and methods.


Check clothing tags for care recommendations before attempting to remove ink or toner stains from your materials; in some cases, employing bleach or rubbing alcohol may not be recommended.

Remember to test a tiny, undetectable piece of your material to see if employing a specific chemical is necessary or not.


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