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How to Fold Bathrobes like Hotels and Spas (Photos + Video)

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Folding bathrobes can be a bit challenging as they are so large, and have so many little things that you need to get right to make the folds look good.

But fear not, today I’m going to teach you two fantastic ways to fold your bathrobes; one really beautiful way, and one way that is a little quicker, but still looks great.

I recommend that you watch the video before you start to fold yourself, then rewatch the video, or follow the instructions and illustrations I have added for you for each fold.

How to Fold Robes like Spas and Luxury Hotels

Folding robes like hotels and spas the way that takes the most effort, but in return, you get a luxurious look to the robe that presents well whether you’re gifting the robe or trying to impress somebody.

How to Fold a Bathrobe (With ENGLISH Instructions)
In this video, I fold the bathrobe as luxurious hotels and spas do.

This fold is a little tricky, but don’t be afraid to try it. If it looks weird the first time, you will certainly get it the second time.

I also have a guide on how to fold towels that you can check out if you’re interested.

How to File Fold Bathrobes

File-folding robes is a lot faster than doing the fold you learned above. The drawback is that it doesn’t present as well as the previous fold. However, if you like file folding, or just want to save some time, then this fold is a fantastic alternative.

CLEVER FOLD for Bathrobes (to Save Space)
Here is the Premium Fast Folding Guide I talk about in the video.

Check out the video if you can, or move on to the illustrated steps below. I added a text description for the steps under the illustrations if you need it.

  1. Lay the bathrobe with the front facing up on a flat surface
  2. Fold the arms in on both sides, and make sure that the belt is stretched out on both sides.
  3. From the left side, fold the robe in 1/3 of it’s total width.
  4. Fold the right side in as well so that it completely overlaps the left side.
  5. Make sure that the belt is still sticking out entirely, and fold the robe in half from top to bottom.
  6. Fold the end with the collar and bottom up slightly less than 1/3 of the remaining length of the robe.
  7. Then fold the robe over one more time so that the ends line up evenly.
  8. Lift the robe up, and place it with the tall side with a single fold over it facing up.
  9. Take both ends of the belt, fold them across to the other side of the robe on each their side (see illustration step 7), and push the ends inside the the openings in the folds to secure the fold.

Next, you can check out how to file fold the rest of your clothes in this comprehensive guide I made for you.


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